Monday, February 4, 2008

SCAM Email on 411Buzz [post obsolete]

WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site doesn't exist. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.


Yesterday there was a SCAM MAIL in your inbox/e-mail from 411buzz (link replaced)! It says that you still didn't withdraw any earnings from that ptr, and to do this you need to download the software from the link in the mail! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT CLICK ANY LINK THERE! Program there is a trojan that is supposed to take control of victim's computer and to log every character typed from the keyboard, to get on your bank or e-mail accounts. If you got that email on your inbox, NOTICE PTR PROGRAM ADMIN IMMEDIATELY!



Wczoraj na 411buzz (link replaced) zostal przeslany SCAM MEJL! Mowi on o tym, ze nie wyplaciles jeszcze zadnych pieniedzy z programu i aby to zrobic skorzystaj z oprogramowania do ktorego odnosi sie link w mejlu! POD ZADNYM POZOREM NIE KLIKAJ W LINKI! Program spod linkow to trojan, ktory ma na celu przejecie kontroli nad komputerem ofiary oraz logowania wszystkich znakow z klawiatury, w celu dostania sie na twoje konta bankowe, majlowe itd. NATYCHMIAST POWIADOM ADMINA PROGRAMU PTR!

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