Friday, December 2, 2016

Fedora rawhide kernel panic Virtualbox

I'm now running on a very slow PC being disassembled Asus 1215N with O/Ced Atom CPU to 2.35Ghz. As far as I managed to upgrade windows 7 to x64 version I can not make magically VT-x appear on this CPU, that was the reason why I ran into problems when tried to boot Fedora rawhide i686 in Virtualbox. Basically the problem occurs with kernels versioned 4.7+, it seems to boot fine with 4.6 one. On Virtualbox forums there was some discussion that it may be related to virtual box display driver from virtualbox extension pack being installed (and of course VT-x being unavailable making I/O APIC option not performing correctly without it - or so I believe after I did my tests). So far I have it running with kernel 4.6 and dnf-ing around the OS, that takes ages due to slowness caused by no VT-x being available. If I find a way on how to run kernel 4.9 with my configuration, I will share this information.

And here is some interesting stuff with DNF, it can even erase "None", lol:

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Chrome/Chromium hangs often

Recently I ran into a problem when my Chromium browser was hanging a lot when I activated the window or few seconds after opening new tab. First I VACUUM-ed every SQLite file in my profile directory... Didn't help... Then I run procmon tool to show me what exactly was it doing on my harddrive, then I found out it was reading some files, so I went through every one of them, renaming them by adding .bak extension. And then vua la, I found out what was causing it. It turns out it was Preferences file growing too big (even though it was just 450KB) when You visited a lot of various sites in the past, as it saves some preferences for every one of them and the engine/parts of code to read it back and analyze seem to be very inefficient, not to say, shitty. So imo that part requires some kind of inspection to be performed by Chromium/Chrome DEVs as currently it's giving Chromium even 1 minute hangs every now and then.

To fix Chrome/Chromium hangs:
- close all running instances of Chrome/Chromium,
- go to Your Chrome/Chromium Default profile, usually %LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default for Windows users,
- find Preferences file,
- rename it to Preferences.bak or remove it,
- run Chrome/Chromium,
- lags/hangs should be gone now,
- in case they are not, You may be having some other problematic file that, maybe, uses JSON format to store data as well. In other words its structure should be having a lot of { } " " : chars as well, maybe the other one got too big for You?

You may have some settings reset to default like Chrome/Chromium asking to be default browser or having Translate messages scaring You a lot, unfortunately, You must get past it again now. :)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Analysis and conversion of binary files with the use of PHP CLI

Last time I gave myself a mission to translate some game to Polish language. These aren't ordinary text files but instead custom scripts binary coded. At the bottom of file there is a lot of letters in a row. You can't practically tell which part of the text will be displayed in the exact moment in the game. By deep analysis of such files You can come to some conclusions. By viewing one of them in hexadecimal editor You can notice that some characters repeat over and over again. You can notice that they occur every 4 bytes, so these are most likely binary coded 32-bit variables (long int). However, as it is a script that hold a lot of numbers, then You can imply, that the big part of them will be of no use for You. Also by carefully looking at it You can notice repeating [FF] bytes one next to another. So these will be most likely numeric variables represented as signed type (positive & negative), because I doubt that the software the company used to edit these scripts required anyone to type 4 billion-like numbers, these were most likely negative numbers close to zero like -1 or -3.

Why would You need to know all of this though?
Such detailed knowledge about these files is needed to have full control over the length of text You wish to modify. As I previously wrote, such text doesn't have a visible split points, in which part of the game which part of the text is shown. So something else must used for game to tell the beginning at which to start loading the data and it's length.
Let's start from the beginning of file. You can see a DCPB tag there which identifies file type used by game. Next You can try to decode 4 bytes after that, because it may be used to represent an offset or certain data length in this file. So [BC] [BA] [01] [00] is: 188 + 186 * 256 + 1 * 256^2 + 0 * 256^3 (little endian) = 113 340. Now You can check the file size, it is 117 150 bytes. So exactly how I wrote, it must represent a length of some data in this file. So now You can check if something interesting is located at the decimal address of 113 348 in this file. [64] [00] [00] [00] is located there, in other words the value of 100. But what it actually means? An offset? A value? Something else? If this is an offset then for sure at the distance of +/- 100 bytes nothing interesting exists. Let's go to 4 bytes ahead then. [20] [03] [00] [00] is located there, in other words the value of 800. Let's see if something interesting exists 800 bytes ahead of this place. Bull's eye! By adding 800 to current offset, from which we read this value, first text character exists. So You can be almost 100% sure that this is the offset of first part of the text which will be displayed somewhere in the game. Now You can go 800 bytes back and read next 4 bytes as signed long int. [12] [00] [00] [00] is located there, the value of 18. Is it maybe 800 + 18 as a some kind of offset? Hmm. Let's check another 4 bytes ahead, [32] [03] [00] [00], the value of 818. It looks like that in exactly THIS PLACE the offset really is coded. So what exactly means the value of 18 we previously decoded? 800 + 18 = 818! If You assume that 800 and 818 were offsets, then what occurs after ever of them (in this case the value of 18) is most likely the length (the number of bytes) of the text that will be read by the game. Now You can count how many occurrences of such 8 byte ranges exist before You reach the place where the text resides. It looks like there is 100 occurrences of them, so 4 bytes coded before the first offset ([64] [00] [00] [00] = 100) most likely indicates the amount of lines of the text to translate.

Let's begin?
After getting more or less accustomed to file structure, which You are interested in, You can translating the text. But let's think for a bit. If You have 100 occurrences, then every of them needs to have offset and length properly aligned. Won't there be a problem if the first part of the text gets a bit longer than the original? It is known that other languages than the original, the game was transcribed in, may result in bigger amount of translation data. You would then need to manually alter every next offset! Huge amount of work and a lot of time required. Is there maybe some other way to do this?

PHP CLI scripts as a helpful tool to convert files to more user friendly version.
Easiest way is to "convert" the file in such a way that You will have the text exactly split line by line, You won't be bothered by some kind of offsets, and You can skip directly to translating the text. You must remember, though, that such file must be properly converted back to its previous format, including the changes to binary data that points the offsets and lengths of parts of the text/lines. You can attain much more when programming in C, for example by directly reading the file and dynamically creating text input boxes for text inputting/altering basing on original game script. However, it can take more time to do it, it all depends if You have parts of code to use from Your other projects, or not.

Analysis and conversion of files with the use of PHP scripts.
You can write PHP scripts by checking the manual and using plain notepad. First You would need to create an algorithm or have the ability to do it on-fly in Your head. You must have in mind the analysis You did before. Let's try to more or less describe how the file structure looks like:
String: "DCPB",
4 bytes of signed long int: data length, which we You won't modify,
data, which You won't modify,
4 bytes of signed long int: amount of text occurrences,
{4 bytes of signed long int: nth text offset, 4 bytes of signed long int: nth text length} * amount of occurrences,
text as a whole.

By looking at the above You would for sure need a loop/function to read 4 bytes and translate them to long int. For sure You will also need to read a parts of data which You won't modify, and as such, they would need to be coded in a way that it will be safe to text edit such file. I advice to use base64_encode, and to apply deflate compression before it:
This way You will achieve a file to edit which will be much smaller that the original and it won't hold a lot of numbers and letters You are not interested in at the beinning (base64).
When You will be in a place to read offsets and lengths of the text, then for sure You will need dynamic arrays, which will hold these offsets and lengths in 2 arrays (or 2-dimensional array under one variable, which one You prefer most). In PHP it's relatively easy, in C You would need to malloc/realloc a lot, and to remember to NULL byte at the end of array of characters etc. Dynamic arrays are best created here by loop repeating [text occurence amount] times by reading 4 bytes two times, decoding them and putting them as long ints in 2 array variables, for example:
for($x=0;$x<$amount;++$x) {
  $buf = fread($file1,4);
  $pos[] = (ord($buf[3]) << 24) + (ord($buf[2]) << 16) + (ord($buf[1]) << 8) + ord($buf[0]) + 12 + $rawdatalength;
  $buf = fread($file1,4);
  $len[] = (ord($buf[3]) << 24) + (ord($buf[2]) << 16) + (ord($buf[1]) << 8) + ord($buf[0]);
Of course You can read whole 4 bytes and use proper bitshifting or other methods. Whichever method suits You best, most important is to do have conversion working without errors. Code performance in usually required in production environment or when a lot of data is concerned.
After the loop finishes You need to start another one, which will use data from previously created arrays, properly read the amount of characters and output it in separate lines into text editing friendly file. So to be sure it's best that You use fseek for offsets and fread to read amount of characters, and as last fwrite. Example:
for($x=0;$x<$amount;++$x) {
  $text = fread($file1,$len[$x]);
  fwrite($file2,$text . PHP_EOL);
This is more or less everything You would need to do to create user friendly text editing file. You can of course put an amount of data You got from compressing and base64-coding the data. This way You will avoid the fgets error of 1024 characters limit if You will utilize fgets to read Your text files. In case of the data that You will base64 decode and decompress, You will use fread($file,$amount_of_bytes_to_read).

The converting back to binary script needs to be done in reverse order. For sure You would need to recreate "DCPB" tag and write 4 bytes that You will read from the length of Your decoded, decompressed data, write this data, recreate proper offset and lengths of lines which Your script will read from text file You used to safely translate the game text. After You finish writing the coding part You need to test the original coded file against Your translated one, if the differences between the two start after first offset pointing to the text and if all offsets and lengths properly point to the parts of translated text. If You can confirm that it's exactly as it should be then You succeeded in creating coder/decoder of script files which will make Your translation alteration much easier.

File used as an example:

Analiza plików binarnych i ich przetwarzanie za pomocą PHP CLI

Ostatnio podjąłem się misji tłumaczenia pewnej gry na język polski. Nie są to zwykłe pliki tekstowe, a niestandardowe skrypty zakodowane w postaci binarnej. Na samym dole plików znajduje się tekst w jednym ciągu. Nie można tak naprawdę odróżnić, która część tekstu będzie wyświetlana w którym momencie gry. Poprzez dogłębną analizę tychże plików możemy jednak wywnioskować pewne rzeczy. Podglądając jeden z nim w edytorze hexadecymalnym możemy zauważyć pewną powtarzalność występujących w nim znaków. Można dostrzec, że występują one co 4 bajty, czyli prawdopodobnie są to zakodowane liczby 32-bitowych zniennych (long int). Jednakże, skoro jest to skrypt i składa się z samych liczb i jest ich dość wiele, to możemy założyć, że duża ilość z nich nie będzie nam tak naprawdę do niczego potrzebna. Także przyglądając się szczegółowo można zauważyć powtarzające sie bajty [FF] koło siebie, czyli zmienne te będą najprawdopodobniej w trybie signed (dodatnie i ujemne), ponieważ nie wydaje mi się, aby w oprogramowaniu, którego firma używała do edycji tychże skryptów, ktokolwiek wpisywał dodatnie numery rzędu 4 milardów, raczej były to negatywne cyfry takie jak -1 czy -3.

Jednak po co nam ta wiedza?
Takie szczegółowe zapoznanie się z plikiem jest nam potrzebne aby mieć całkowitą kontrolę nad długością tekstu, który chcemy modyfikować. Tak jak wcześniej wspominałem sam tekst na końcu pliku nie ma wyraźnie widocznych podziałów, w którym momencie w grze dana jego część będzie się wyświetlać. W takim razie coś innego musi kontrolować ich początek wczytywania i ilość znaków jaka będzie wyświetlana.
Zacznijmy od początku pliku, widać tam tag DCPB, który identyfikuje rodzaj pliku wykorzystywany przez grę. Następnie spróbujmy zdekodować 4 kolejne bajty, ponieważ może to być oznaczenie offsetu lub rozmiar pewnej ilości danych w tym pliku. Czyli [BC] [BA] [01] [00] to: 188 + 186 * 256 + 1 * 256^2 + 0 * 256^3 (little endian) = 113 340. Teraz spójżmy na rozmiar pliku: 117 150. Czyli tak jak pisałem jest to prawdopodobnie oznaczenie długości pewnej części pliku. Spróbujmy w takim razie zobaczyć czy coś ciakawego znajduję się po przeskoczeniu na adres decymalny 113 348 w pliku. Znajduje się tam [64] [00] [00] [00], czyli wartość 100. Tylko co to może oznaczać? Offset? Wartość? Coś innego? Jeśli jest to offset to na pewno w odległości +/-100 bajtów od tego miejsca nic ciekawe nie znajduje się. W takim razie przeskoczmy 4 bajty do przodu. Znajduje się tam [20] [03] [00] [00], czyli wartość 800, zobaczmy czy w odległości 800 bajtów od tego miejsca znajduje się coś ciekawego. Bingo! Dodając 800 do aktualnego offsetu, z którego odczytaliśmy tę własnie wartość, znajduje się pierwsza litera/znak tekstu. Czyli możemy prawie w 100% potwierdzić, że jest to oznaczenie offsetu pierwszej części teksu, która będzie wyświetlana w grze. Cofnijmy się spowrotem o 800 bajtów i odczytajmy następne 4 bajty jako signed long int. Znajduje się tam [12] [00] [00] [00] czyli wartość 18. Czyżby było to 800 + 18 jako offset? Hmm. Sprawdźmy następne 4 bajty, [32] [03] [00] [00] czyli 818. Wygląda na to, że własnie W TYM miejscu jest tak naprawdę offset. Co w takim razie oznacza ta wcześniejsza liczba 18? 800 + 18 = 818! Jeśli przyjąć, że 800 i 818 to offsety, to w takim razie to co znajduje się po każdym offsecie (w tym przypadku 18) to pewnie jest długość (ilość bajtów) wczytywanego tekstu przez grę w danym miejscu. Czyli każde 8 bajtów jest używane do wczytania parametrów danego tekstu wyświetlanego w grze. W takim razie policzmy ile razy takie 8 bajtów występuje zanim zacznie się tekst. Wygląda na to, że jest 100 wystąpień, czyli 4 bajty zdekodowane przed pierwszym offsetem ([64] [00] [00] [00] = 100) oznaczają najprawdopodobniej ilość linii tekstu do przetłumaczenia.

Znająć już mniej więcej strukturę pliku, która nas interesuje możemy przejść do tłumaczenia tekstu na język polski. Jednak pomyślmy przez chwilę. Jeśli mamy 100 wystąpień, każde z nich musi mieć dopasowany offset i długość to czy nie będzie to dla nas problemem jeśli wydłuży nam się pierwszy tekst przy tłumaczeniu? Wiadomym jest, że w języku polskim BARDZO często tłumaczony tekst jest dłuższy niż w innych językach. Będziemy musieli wtedy ręcznie zmieniać wszystkie offsety! Ogromna robota i duża ilość czasu potrzebna. Czy jest może inny sposób?

Skrypty PHP CLI jako pomocna dłoń przy konwertowaniu plików na bardziej przyjazny dla użytkownika.
Najprostrzym sposobem jest "przerobić" plik w taki sposób abyśmy mieli tekst ładnie podzielony linia po linii i nie przejmowali się jakimiś offsetami tylko samym tłumaczeniem tekstu. Pamiętać jednak należy, że taki plik musi być poprawnie zakodowany spowrotem do poprzedniego formatu wraz z odpowiednim nałożeniem zmian w binarnej części oznaczającej offsety i długości danych części tekstu/linii. Oczywiście piszac w języku C możemy osiągnać znacznie więcej, na przykład bezpośrednio wczytując plik dynamicznie tworzyć pola do wpisywania/zmiany tekstu bazująć na oryginalnym pliku skryptu gry. Może to jednak zająć więcej czasu, zależy czy mamy części kodu z naszych wcześniejszych projektów, które możemy wykorzystać, czy nie.

Analiza i przetwarzanie pliku skryptami PHP.
Skrypty PHP można pisać w zwykłym notatniku korzystając z manuala. Na początek jednak musimy stworzyć sobie algorytm lub mieć zdolność tworzenia ich w locie w naszej głowie. Musimy pamiętać o naszej wcześniejszej analizie. Rozpiszmy sobie jak mniej więcej wygląda struktura pliku:
String: "DCPB",
4 bajty signed long int: długość danych, których nie modyfikujemy,
dane, których nie modyfikujemy,
4 bajty signed long int: ilość wystąpień tekstu,
{4 bajty signed long: offset tekstu n, 4 bajty signed long: długość tesktu n} * ilość wystąpień,
tekst w jednym ciągu.

Patrząc na powyższy podział na pewno będziemy musieli mieć pętle/funkcję wczytywania 4 bajtów i tłumaczenia ich na long int. Na pewno takżę będziemy musieli wczytać część danych, których nie modyfikujemy, a w ziązku z tym, że muszą one być zachowane w trybie bezpiecznym do edycji tekstowej, proponuję wykorzystać base64_encode, a przed tym kompresję deflate:
W ten sposób nasze pliki do edycji będą znaczne mniejsze i nie będą na początku zawierać nadmiernej ilości nieinteresującego nas ciągu cyfr i liter (base64).
Gdy przejdziemy do wczytywania offsetów i dlugości tekstu, to na pewno będziemy potrzebowali dynamiczne arraye, które będą nam przechowywać offsety i długości w 2 tablicach (lub 2-wymiarowej tablicy pod jedną zmienna, jak wolisz). W PHP jest to stosunkowo łatwe, w C byśmy musieli dużo mallocować/reallocować, pamiętać o bajcie NULL na końcu tablicy znaków itp. Dynamiczne arraye najlepiej tworzyć w pętli powtarzającej się [ilość wystąpień tekstu] razy czytając 2 razy po 4 bajty i wrzucając zdekodowane longi do 2 zmienny będących tablicami, na przykład:
for($x=0;$x<$amount;++$x) {
  $buf = fread($plik1,4);
  $pos[] = (ord($buf[3]) << 24) + (ord($buf[2]) << 16) + (ord($buf[1]) << 8) + ord($buf[0]) + 12 + $rawdatalength;
  $buf = fread($plik1,4);
  $len[] = (ord($buf[3]) << 24) + (ord($buf[2]) << 16) + (ord($buf[1]) << 8) + ord($buf[0]);
Oczywiście można wczytywać całe 8 bajtów i odpowiednio je bitshiftować lub wykorzystać inne metody. To jaką metodę przyjmiesz zależy od Ciebie, najważniejsze jest aby konwertowanie bezbłednie działało, wydajność kodu potrzebna jest najczęściej tylko w środowiskach produkcyjnych lub przy dużej ilości przetwarzanych danych.
Po zakończonej pętli trzeba rozpocząc następną, która będzie korzystać z danych w poprzednio utworzonych tablicach i wczytywać odpowiednią ilość tekstu oraz zapisywać to w odrębnych liniach do pliku przyjaznego do edycji tekstowej. Czyli dla pewności najlepiej wykorzystać fseek do offsetów i fread do długości, a następnie fwrite. Przykład:
for($x=0;$x<$amount;++$x) {
  $text = fread($plik1,$len[$x]);
  fwrite($plik2,$text . PHP_EOL);
To mniej więcej wszystko co trzeba zrobić aby utworzyć plik przyjazny do edycji tekstowej. Możemy oczywiście na początku pliku zapisać jeszcze długość danych jaką osiągnęliśmy kompresująć i base64-kodując te dane. W ten sposób unikniemy problemów z limitem do 1024 znaków jeśli będziemy korzystać z fgets do czytania pliku, który przygotowaliśmy do zakodowania. W przypadku ciągu danych, które będzie dekodować z base64 i dekompresować, będziemy korzystać z fread($plik,$ilosc_bajtow_do_wczytania).

Kodowanie musi odbywać się odwrotnie do dekodowania, na pewno będziemy musieli odtworzyć tag "DCPB" zapisać 4 bajty długości danych poprzez przeliczenie długości zakodowanego, zdekompresowaneego ciągu bajtów, zapisać ten ciąg i odtworzyć poprawnie offsety i długości z linii, które skrypt będzie czytał z pliku tekstowego, który wykorzystywaliśmy do bezpiecznego tłumaczenia gry. Po napisaniu prawidłowo części kodującej należy przetestować oryginalny zakodowany plik i przetłumaczony, czy różnice między oboma plikami zaczynają się po pierwszym offsecie tekstu i czy wszystkie offsety i długości poprawnie wskazują na części przetłumaczonego tekstu. Jeśli tak rzeczywiście jest, to udało nam się poprawnie stworzyć koder/dekoder skryptów gry, w sposób, który znacznie ułatwia nam nanoszenie zmian na tekst wyświetlający się w niej.

Plik wykorzystany jako przykład:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Zopfli KrzYmod updates

Zopfli fork also called Zopfli KrzYmod got some updates.

Basically I put there some latest zopfli changes which impact compression, enabled --legacy mode to work with multi-files as well (to provide new Zopfli functionality fully, notably additional splitting last which is unfortunatelly omitted in KrzYmod algorithm with newest changes). Added --brotli switch to use Brotli's Huffman for RLE which provides different block splitting and smaller files at times (on my test case I got 13 bytes reduction on ~2KB gz file of minified JS).

I will put release a bit later after I get rid of all errors, I think there are some with zopflipng crashing or so. You can, however, compile it Yourself from git.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Putty Windows x64 and Linux builds (x86, x64, ARMv5, ARMv7)

If anybody is interested, I just compiled Putty for below systems:
- Windows x64 (CLI & GUI),
- Linux x86 (CLI & GUI-GTK),
- Linux x64 (CLI & GUI-GTK),
- Linux ARMv7 (CLI & GUI-GTK),
- Linux ARMv5 (CLI Only).

All builds feature Linker-time optimizations with Linker Plugin (except ARMv5), are static.
ARMv7 build is NEON FPU optimised, built on Odroid U3.
ARMv5 was built on Zyxel NSA-220 (oarm, uClibc).

CLI & GUI builds contain: fuzzterm, pageant, plink, pscp, psftp, pterm, putty, puttygen, puttytel.
CLI only builds contain: fuzzterm, plink, pscp, psftp, puttygen.

I know it's kind of pointless to have Putty on Linux but hey, maybe someone is so used to operate it on Windows he/she is willing to have it on Linux as well. :)

Windows x86 builds are available on the official site, so I'm not compiling those.

Why should You care for x64 builds? Well, if You run x64 system usually x64 builds should be faster on those systems. With putty it should make a difference when using tunnels to transfer large amounts of data or copying files with other tools provided. I didn't make any comparison charts myself, but if You care to do them, You can share the information. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

KrzYVideoFixer v1.05 is out

Few hours ago the new version of KrzYVideoFixer is out which in my opinion contains all possible checks agains video/audio stream to get rid of parts with missing video frames without re-encoding. Remember, You need ffprobe and ffmpeg in the same directory or globally accessible directory. You can download both programs from this site. The only thing left to fix is to support filenames with spaces which I am already testing locally and will be available in v1.06. I did not find any other problems in the last few hours. Here is an example of 3 times run (when video is very broken the output file may still be a bit damaged due to good audio stream being sometimes cut out by ffmpeg if it's near damaged fragment resulting in time skips still occuring, usually 2nd run fixes all problems):

e:\VLCPortable\kvf -s12 349834500000.flv

KrzYVideoFixer v1.05 by Mr_KrzYch00

-> Detecting a minimum of 12 missing frames!

|/ Extracting chunk #01: 0 to 3:25:00.7 (L: 3:25:00.7)
|/ Extracting chunk #02: 3:25:11.5 to 3:55:11.1 (L: 0:29:59.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:55:12.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #03: 3:55:13.9 to 6:05:13.9 (L: 2:10:00.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 6:05:16.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #04: 6:05:17.6 to 6:55:00.7 (L: 0:49:43.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 7:45:02.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #05: 7:45:03.4 to 7:45:35.3 (L: 0:00:31.9)
?-> Video drop detected at: 7:45:36.8~7:45:42.52, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 7:45:42.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #06: 7:45:44.0 to 7:55:04.1 (L: 0:09:20.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 7:56:08.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #07: 7:56:09.1 to 8:02:44.5 (L: 0:06:35.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:02:51.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #08: 8:02:52.4 to 8:05:51.1 (L: 0:02:58.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:05:53.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #09: 8:05:54.4 to 8:08:36.4 (L: 0:02:42.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:08:43.3, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:8:08:44.3~8:08:47.05, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #10: 8:08:47.2 to 8:35:43.8 (L: 0:26:56.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:36:06.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #11: 8:36:07.2 to 8:55:09.3 (L: 0:19:02.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:55:31.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #12: 8:55:32.5 to 8:57:51.8 (L: 0:02:19.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:58:08.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #13: 8:58:09.4 to 8:58:16.8 (L: 0:00:07.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:58:39.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:8:58:24.6~8:58:38.99, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #14: 8:58:40.2 to 8:58:50.3 (L: 0:00:10.1)
?-> Video drop detected at:8:59:12.7~8:59:18.99, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:59:19.6, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:59:36.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #15: 8:59:37.7 to 8:59:41.6 (L: 0:00:03.9)
?-> Video drop detected at:8:59:43.2~8:59:50.99, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:59:51.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #16: 8:59:52.7 to 9:00:07.7 (L: 0:00:15.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:00:16.6, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:00:17.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #17: 9:00:23.5 to 9:00:24.9 (L: 0:00:01.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:00:40.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #18: 9:00:41.3 to 9:00:50.4 (L: 0:00:09.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:01:05.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #19: 9:01:06.7 to 9:01:24.8 (L: 0:00:18.1)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:01:36.2~9:01:42.99, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:01:44.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #20: 9:01:45.7 to 9:34:35.7 (L: 0:32:50.0)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:34:37.3~9:34:39.03, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:34:40.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:34:43.6~9:34:55.13, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:34:55.6, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:34:59.2~9:35:11.16, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:35:12.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:35:15.6~9:35:27.20, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:35:28.0, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:35:44.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #21: 9:35:45.4 to 9:35:49.3 (L: 0:00:03.9)
WARNING! Last audio frame>video frame: 9:36:09.91>9:35:59.16, ignoring audio!
WARNING! Last audio frame>video frame: 9:36:09.91>9:36:07.12, ignoring audio!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:36:15.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #22: 9:36:16.2 to 9:36:19.7 (L: 0:00:03.5)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:36:21.2~9:36:31.12, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:36:32.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #23: 9:36:33.1 to 9:44:35.5 (L: 0:08:02.4)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:44:37.0~9:44:39.12, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:44:40.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #24: 9:44:41.2 to 9:44:52.4 (L: 0:00:11.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:45:05.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #25: 9:45:11.8 to 9:45:25.1 (L: 0:00:13.3)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:45:26.7~9:45:35.23, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:45:35.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #26: 9:45:36.7 to 9:45:46.2 (L: 0:00:09.5)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:45:55.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #27: 9:45:56.7 to 9:46:09.2 (L: 0:00:12.5)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:46:10.7~9:46:15.15, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:46:16.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #28: 9:46:17.6 to 9:46:19.6 (L: 0:00:02.0)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:46:21.2~9:46:31.14, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:46:31.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #29: 9:46:32.6 to 9:46:35.6 (L: 0:00:03.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:46:47.5, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:46:48.5, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:46:49.5~9:46:56.14, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #30: 9:46:56.4 to 9:47:00.0 (L: 0:00:03.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:47:20.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #31: 9:47:21.7 to 9:47:35.1 (L: 0:00:13.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:47:44.2, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:51:35.7~9:51:45.34, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #32: 9:47:45.3 to 9:51:46.0 (L: 0:04:00.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:51:51.4, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:51:52.5, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:51:53.6, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:51:59.2, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:52:16.3, trying next
WARNING! Last audio frame>video frame: 9:52:27.71>9:52:17.73, ignoring audio!
?-> Video drop detected at:9:52:18.7~9:52:31.17, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #33: 9:52:31.4 to 9:52:33.6 (L: 0:00:02.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:52:50.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #34: 9:52:51.6 to 9:52:58.7 (L: 0:00:07.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:53:13.8, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:53:18.6~9:53:19.85, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #35: 9:53:14.9 to 9:53:19.9 (L: 0:00:05.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:53:28.1, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:53:29.3, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:9:53:37.2~9:53:51.17, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #36: 9:53:35.5 to 9:53:59.3 (L: 0:00:23.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:54:16.6, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:54:35.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #37: 9:54:36.1 to 9:54:39.3 (L: 0:00:03.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:9:54:40.9~9:54:47.16, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:54:47.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #38: 9:54:48.4 to 9:54:49.6 (L: 0:00:01.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:55:05.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #39: 9:55:07.1 to 9:55:17.3 (L: 0:00:10.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:55:30.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #40: 9:55:32.0 to 9:55:35.1 (L: 0:00:03.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:55:46.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #41: 9:55:47.3 to 9:55:49.7 (L: 0:00:02.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 9:56:02.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #42: 9:56:03.1 to 11:15:01.7 (L: 1:18:58.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 11:15:18.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #43: 11:15:19.6 to 11:35:20.2 (L: 0:20:00.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 11:35:22.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #44: 11:35:23.1 to 12:21:03.8 (L: 0:45:40.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 12:21:16.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #45: 12:21:17.8 to 13:46:58.6 (L: 1:25:40.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:47:05.0, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:47:06.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:13:47:17.9~13:47:19.32, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #46: 13:47:12.1 to 13:47:22.6 (L: 0:00:10.5)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:47:35.4, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:47:36.4, trying next
WARNING! Last audio frame>video frame: 13:47:41.16>13:47:38.40, ignoring audio!
?-> Video drop detected at:13:47:38.9~13:47:43.32, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:47:43.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #47: 13:47:44.9 to 13:47:48.2 (L: 0:00:03.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 13:48:00.7, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:13:48:03.8~13:48:07.66, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #48: 13:48:01.8 to 14:13:28.1 (L: 0:25:26.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 14:13:40.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #49: 14:13:41.5 to 15:00:24.7 (L: 0:46:43.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:15:00:26.2~15:00:31.50, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:00:32.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #50: 15:00:33.3 to 15:06:18.7 (L: 0:05:45.4)
?-> Video drop detected at:15:06:20.3~15:06:23.55, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:06:24.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #51: 15:06:25.5 to 15:10:10.8 (L: 0:03:45.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:10:17.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #52: 15:10:18.6 to 15:14:45.4 (L: 0:04:26.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:15:14:47.1~15:14:55.61, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:14:56.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #53: 15:14:57.2 to 15:15:53.9 (L: 0:00:56.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:16:01.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #54: 15:16:02.2 to 15:16:58.5 (L: 0:00:56.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:17:05.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #55: 15:17:06.7 to 15:18:03.5 (L: 0:00:56.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:18:11.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #56: 15:18:12.2 to 15:19:50.3 (L: 0:01:38.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:20:02.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #57: 15:20:04.0 to 15:22:18.0 (L: 0:02:14.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:22:24.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #58: 15:22:26.0 to 15:28:46.2 (L: 0:06:20.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:28:58.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #59: 15:28:59.8 to 15:29:40.1 (L: 0:00:40.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:29:46.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #60: 15:29:47.7 to 15:30:05.5 (L: 0:00:17.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:30:18.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #61: 15:30:19.2 to 15:45:35.0 (L: 0:15:15.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:15:45:36.5~15:45:43.73, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:45:44.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #62: 15:45:45.4 to 15:54:40.7 (L: 0:08:55.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:54:48.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #63: 15:54:49.8 to 15:55:10.8 (L: 0:00:21.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:55:23.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #64: 15:55:24.2 to 15:58:54.5 (L: 0:03:30.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 15:59:04.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #65: 15:59:05.9 to 16:04:16.3 (L: 0:05:10.4)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:04:28.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #66: 16:04:29.8 to 16:07:06.1 (L: 0:02:36.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:07:12.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #67: 16:07:13.9 to 16:07:20.9 (L: 0:00:07.0)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:07:22.5~16:07:27.76, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:07:28.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:16:14:15.0~16:14:15.76, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #68: 16:07:29.1 to 16:19:24.1 (L: 0:11:55.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:19:27.8, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:16:19:25.7~16:19:27.80, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #69: 16:19:28.9 to 16:20:54.7 (L: 0:01:25.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:21:07.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #70: 16:21:08.3 to 16:30:39.6 (L: 0:09:31.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:30:51.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #71: 16:30:52.8 to 16:33:13.0 (L: 0:02:20.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:33:14.6~16:33:19.74, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:33:19.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #72: 16:33:21.0 to 16:39:35.9 (L: 0:06:14.9)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:39:37.5~16:39:43.80, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:39:44.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #73: 16:39:45.3 to 16:41:08.4 (L: 0:01:23.1)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:41:10.0~16:41:11.80, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:41:11.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #74: 16:41:13.0 to 16:46:07.4 (L: 0:04:54.4)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:46:09.0~16:46:15.79, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:46:16.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #75: 16:46:17.7 to 16:47:43.0 (L: 0:01:25.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:47:55.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #76: 16:47:56.9 to 16:48:51.6 (L: 0:00:54.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:48:58.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #77: 16:48:59.5 to 16:52:54.2 (L: 0:03:54.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:53:06.5, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:16:53:07.9~16:53:11.88, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #78: 16:53:07.6 to 16:54:02.4 (L: 0:00:54.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:16:54:04.0~16:54:07.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 16:54:08.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #79: 16:54:09.3 to 17:00:57.1 (L: 0:06:47.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:00:58.6~17:01:03.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:01:04.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #80: 17:01:05.6 to 17:04:42.5 (L: 0:03:36.9)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:04:44.1~17:04:47.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:04:48.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #81: 17:04:49.3 to 17:06:20.5 (L: 0:01:31.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:06:22.1~17:06:23.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:06:24.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #82: 17:06:25.1 to 17:10:49.0 (L: 0:04:23.9)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:10:50.6~17:10:55.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:10:56.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #83: 17:10:57.3 to 17:16:30.5 (L: 0:05:33.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:16:32.1~17:16:39.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:16:40.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #84: 17:16:41.1 to 17:19:11.4 (L: 0:02:30.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:19:23.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #85: 17:19:25.0 to 17:23:25.8 (L: 0:04:00.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:23:37.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #86: 17:23:38.4 to 17:27:21.2 (L: 0:03:42.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:27:22.7~17:27:27.86, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:27:28.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #87: 17:27:29.6 to 17:31:26.7 (L: 0:03:57.1)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:31:28.2~17:31:35.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:31:36.1, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #88: 17:31:37.2 to 17:32:38.3 (L: 0:01:01.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:32:51.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #89: 17:32:52.1 to 17:35:00.0 (L: 0:02:07.9)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:35:07.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #90: 17:35:08.3 to 17:41:43.1 (L: 0:06:34.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:41:55.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #91: 17:41:56.5 to 17:43:28.4 (L: 0:01:31.9)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:43:30.0~17:43:35.88, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:43:36.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #92: 17:43:37.3 to 17:46:40.4 (L: 0:03:03.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:46:52.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #93: 17:46:53.3 to 17:47:29.7 (L: 0:00:36.4)
?-> Video drop detected at:17:47:31.2~17:47:35.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:47:36.8, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #94: 17:47:37.9 to 17:54:43.5 (L: 0:07:05.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:54:50.7, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #95: 17:54:51.8 to 17:59:36.1 (L: 0:04:44.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 17:59:47.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #96: 17:59:49.0 to 18:01:19.3 (L: 0:01:30.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:01:31.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #97: 18:01:33.0 to 18:02:16.2 (L: 0:00:43.2)
?-> Video drop detected at:18:02:17.8~18:02:23.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:02:24.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #98: 18:02:25.1 to 18:02:42.2 (L: 0:00:17.1)
?-> Video drop detected at:18:02:43.7~18:02:47.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:02:48.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #99: 18:02:49.3 to 18:03:06.3 (L: 0:00:17.0)
?-> Video drop detected at:18:03:07.9~18:03:11.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:03:12.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #100: 18:03:13.3 to 18:03:40.4 (L: 0:00:27.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:03:47.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #101: 18:03:48.1 to 18:06:50.2 (L: 0:03:02.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:06:56.6, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #102: 18:06:57.7 to 18:13:48.7 (L: 0:06:51.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:13:55.3, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:18:15:03.1~18:15:03.96, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #103: 18:13:56.4 to 18:17:24.5 (L: 0:03:28.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:17:31.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #104: 18:17:33.0 to 18:17:52.3 (L: 0:00:19.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:18:05.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #105: 18:18:06.1 to 18:20:23.3 (L: 0:02:17.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:20:33.0, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #106: 18:20:34.1 to 18:20:44.1 (L: 0:00:10.0)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:20:51.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #107: 18:20:52.3 to 18:24:00.2 (L: 0:03:07.9)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:24:12.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #108: 18:24:13.4 to 18:24:32.3 (L: 0:00:18.9)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:24:44.3, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #109: 18:24:45.4 to 18:36:20.7 (L: 0:11:35.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:36:24.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:18:36:22.3~18:36:23.95, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #110: 18:36:25.1 to 18:36:53.3 (L: 0:00:28.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:36:56.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:18:36:54.9~18:36:55.95, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #111: 18:36:57.1 to 18:37:57.9 (L: 0:01:00.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:38:10.4, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #112: 18:38:11.5 to 18:39:18.8 (L: 0:01:07.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:39:28.9, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #113: 18:39:30.0 to 18:46:52.8 (L: 0:07:22.8)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:46:59.5, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #114: 18:47:00.6 to 18:49:44.4 (L: 0:02:43.8)
?-> Video drop detected at:18:49:46.0~18:49:51.93, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 18:49:52.4, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:18:54:39.0~18:54:39.93, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts N/A at frames: 18:59:07.9, 18:59:07.9
|/ Extracting chunk #115: 18:49:53.5 to 18:59:07.9 (L: 0:09:14.4)

|/ Merging chunks -> 349834500000.flv__done__.mp4

The Operation Completed Successfully!

|/ Waiting for audio scan to finish . . .

e:\VLCPortable>kvf -s12 349834500000.flv__done__.mp4

KrzYVideoFixer v1.05 by Mr_KrzYch00

-> Detecting a minimum of 12 missing frames!

?-> Video drop detected at:7:16:52.9~7:16:55.59, but audio is stable!
|/ Extracting chunk #01: 0 to 8:52:21.7 (L: 8:52:21.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:52:31.5, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:52:32.2, trying next
|/ Extracting chunk #02: 8:52:33.4 to 8:52:45.5 (L: 0:00:12.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:52:47.1, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:52:47.2, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 8:53:03.0, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at:8:52:51.0~8:53:02.95, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:12:43:59.6~12:44:01.04, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:12:44:09.9~12:44:13.81, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:15:07:00.4~15:07:01.25, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:15:44:16.2~15:44:20.19, but audio is stable!
?-> Audio drop detected at:16:54:20.6, but video is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:17:02:18.6~17:02:19.43, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:17:39:59.2~17:40:00.16, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts N/A at frames: 17:44:28.1, 17:44:28.1
|/ Extracting chunk #03: 8:53:04.1 to 17:44:28.1 (L: 8:51:24.0)

|/ Merging chunks -> 349834500000.flv__done__.mp4__done__.mp4

The Operation Completed Successfully!

|/ Waiting for audio scan to finish . . .

e:\VLCPortable>kvf -s12 349834500000.flv__done__.mp4__done__.mp4

KrzYVideoFixer v1.05 by Mr_KrzYch00

-> Detecting a minimum of 12 missing frames!

?-> Video drop detected at:7:16:52.9~7:16:55.59, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:12:43:29.8~12:43:31.20, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:12:43:40.1~12:43:43.97, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:15:06:30.6~15:06:31.41, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:15:43:46.4~15:43:50.35, but audio is stable!
?-> Audio drop detected at:16:53:50.7, but video is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:17:01:48.8~17:01:49.59, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at:17:39:29.4~17:39:30.32, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts N/A at frames: 17:43:58.2, 17:43:58.3
Video file is not damaged!

The Operation Completed Successfully!

|/ Waiting for audio scan to finish . . .


Sunday, February 28, 2016

KrzYVideoFixer v1.04 will be delayed

As the title says, v1.04 will be a bit delayed... This is because it turns out there are a bit more factors to take care about when "chunking", "merging" the video in order to get rid of all the damage without re-encoding. If You are interested on what my kvf console output is at the moment when checking very damaged video stream, check below:

KrzYVideoFixer v1.04 by Mr_KrzYch00

-> Saving output file when input is not damaged!

-> Detecting a minimum of 10 missing frames!

WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 0:38:28.08
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 0:38:28.12
|/ Extracting chunk #01: 0 to 0:38:29.5 (L: 0:38:29.5)
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:21:34.08
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:21:34.12
|/ Extracting chunk #02: 0:38:33.7 to 1:21:34.0 (L: 0:43:00.3)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 1:21:39.4, trying next
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:24:04.12
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:24:04.24
|/ Extracting chunk #03: 1:21:40.5 to 1:24:04.1 (L: 0:02:23.6)
?-> Video drop detected at: 1:24:05.6~1:24:08.64, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 1:24:09.4, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at: 1:24:13.9~1:24:16.64, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:24:18.64
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 1:24:18.68
?-> Video drop detected at: 1:24:18.7~1:24:26.48, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at: 1:24:27.2~1:24:32.64, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:17:08.80
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:17:08.84
|/ Extracting chunk #04: 1:24:10.5 to 3:17:08.7 (L: 1:52:58.2)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:17:15.9, trying next
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:42:35.64
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:42:35.68
|/ Extracting chunk #05: 3:17:17.0 to 3:42:35.6 (L: 0:25:18.6)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:42:43.0, trying next
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:42:44.0, trying next
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:42:44.08
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:42:44.12
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:42:44.1~3:42:45.00, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:42:45.6~3:42:48.64, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:44:57.36
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:44:57.40
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:44:57.4~3:44:58.32, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:44:59.1~3:45:05.92, but audio is stable!
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:53:35.9~3:53:36.92, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:53:40.00
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:53:40.04
|/ Extracting chunk #06: 3:42:45.1 to 3:53:39.9 (L: 0:10:54.8)
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:53:41.6~3:53:44.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:53:45.4, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:53:50.1~3:53:52.92, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:53:57.16
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 3:53:57.28
|/ Extracting chunk #07: 3:53:46.5 to 3:53:57.2 (L: 0:00:10.7)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 3:54:04.4, trying next
?-> Video drop detected at: 3:54:06.0~3:54:08.92, but audio is stable!
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:08:27.56
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:08:27.60
|/ Extracting chunk #08: 3:54:05.5 to 4:08:27.5 (L: 0:14:22.0)
?-> Video drop detected at: 4:08:29.0~4:08:32.92, but audio is stable!
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 4:08:33.1, trying next
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:10:29.40
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:10:29.44
|/ Extracting chunk #09: 4:08:34.2 to 4:10:29.3 (L: 0:01:55.1)
!--> Audio unstable at keyframe: 4:10:31.1, trying next
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:40:53.40
WARNING! pts/dts mismatch at frame: 4:40:53.44
/  Video drop detected, Scanning Audio: 4:21:04.19

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

KrzYVideoFixer & mf2t/t2mf (linux native & armv7, windows)

In the last few weeks I was playing with downloading some publically available video streams in order to upload them to Youtube for better awareness and easy of access. The one thing that bothered me the most was that Youtube converter was getting stuck at some of them (the common infinite 95% processing bug or processing restarting over and over again bug). I was trying to figure out what the heck is going on so I checked few vids but it was hard to pin-point the problem until I watched full video file. Then I discovered that video had small jumping occuring every some time that was caused by server-end keeping real timestamps while it couldn't process video on-time making the stream drop and causing still frames or time jumping ahead in video player (when You watch already downloaded stream, if You watch it in real-time from the internet it usually hangs for a while or looks like broken I-frame).

So I started analysing videos by fast-forwarding with MPC and using ffmpeg to split and merge all chunks together. It worked pretty well at the beginning until I got stuck with it at some video and was really not up to the task of watching ~8 hours material with full attention. 

After being disappointed with one of my vids that couldn't be processed by YT (and I really didn't want to process it myself just to deleted the file afterwards, worsen the quality even more or waste my time by it not being helpful at all), I started searching tha intarwebz and downloaded few programs that turned out to be shit (at least in my case, they may help for some, but they were all a waste of time for me). So I started digging into it by myself...

FFPROBE, some of You may heard about it, cool tool to scan video file and tell You stuff... well then, let's try reading frames... OH shit, 300MB of plain text file... That will take AGES to analyse and my eyes will most likely start bleeding after seeing it in notebad past first 10MB... but hey, there is a way around it... as I like automating stuff, let's try doing my best in this area.

So I opened notepad and started PHPing, vua la, a first automated script to get rid of bad video parts and YT accepted my video! A happy day!

But as I stared with C on my zopfli fork project and was quite successful with it to extend nice Deflate program functionality to even support ZIP files, I thought that I can try my best here too. Opened notepad and started rewritting PHP into C and then successfully GCCed it. Works perfectly! (at least in my sandbox!)

So I wanted to share this solution with You. It's available at
You can find there windows and linux (both x86 and armv7-odroid) builds.
Make sure to read readme.txt file and put ffmpeg and ffprobe in the same directory and run in from that directory (or to be accessed globally, like PATH variable on windows). I was thinking about adding switch to point ffmpeg/ffprobe dir manually but..... is that really needed??

The program is quite simple, takes ~500KB of RAM by itself, uses ffprobe to analyse stuff by itself and split damaged file to chunks then merge them together using ffmpeg. It DOES NOT convert anything. Stream copy is used all the way there, so it's pretty much the original stuff with few damaged parts being cut out of file. However, the output is always saved in MP4 format.

AVCONV WILL NOT BE SUPPORTED. Why? Because it doesn't want to work the way it needs to (avprobe is shit,,,,,, whoooops!!11!), just compile ffmpeg if You are using Ubuntu.

On the other note. I managed to successfully compile mf2t/t2mf (midi file to text / text to midi file) using modern gcc on windows and linux. In case You were searching for one, there is x86, x64 (both windows and linux) and armv7 (linux) versions there! As far as I tested, after some sourcecode fixes to properly compile with GCC and actually run as it should, it worked pretty well even with SYSEX data. However, it may have bugs because I'm not that sure if I managed to fix all the code that required fixes. I will maybe add some functionality to it at some point when I have time... I'm personally interested in a switch to always start from tick 0 by shifting all ticks so the resulting MID file starts RIGHT AWAY; a away to make file that is ending too fast to have bit more seconds at the end with a switch for it; aaand somehow to detect/apply proper start/end timings for midi to loop nicely (if it's enabled in, let's say, in_midi... caught... winamp) with a switch.

If You would want to reward me for my work, just process some file with kvf and read summary message or join and be interested in some deals there. :)

So suming it all... buuuuuuilds...
KrzYVideoFixer: (linux x86, armv7; windows x86)
MF2T/T2MF: (linux x64, x86, armv7; windows x64, x86)
                   check readme first!
