Today starts new surfing contest on Easy Hits 4 U ! You can win $3, $4 or $5 real cash, 250-5000 credits, 1000-10000 banner impressions... AND... 5, 10, 15 days or even 1, 3 MONTHS OF PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP (30 best surfers win)! Very good news for all people that like to take a part in contests as well as better traffic for all advertisers.
Dzisiaj startuje konkurs surfowania na Easy Hits 4 U ! Do wygrania $3, $4 albo $5 prawdziwej kasy, 250-5000 kredytow, 1000-10000 wyswietlen bannerow... I... 5, 10, 15 dni, a nawet 1, 3 MIESIACE PREMIOWANEGO UCZESTNICTWA (30 najlepszych suferow wygrywa)! Bardzo dobra wiadomosc dla wszystkich co lubia brac udzial w konkursach jak i lepszy ruch dla reklamodawcow.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
PTP changes on YRG [post obsolete]
WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site in post title doesn't exist. Not working links were replaced with my own GPT program.
1) Your Referral Garden's (link replaced) changes: Upgraded PTP and $0.05 cpm PTP were removed on 8th february. The decission applies to whole GAC network. Stop or change your advertising for removed PTPs!
2) Another week of payments on Worldwide Cash !
3) Weird email from No-Minimum: I got a suspicious email from No Minimum saying that I'm some X visitor and i won $400, that's probably a scam or virus so look out for such mails. After this i noticed that no-minimum website wasn't displaying. Now, as I'm writing this, the site seems ok.
1) Zmiany w Your Referral Garden (link replaced): PTP dla premiowanych i PTP o wartosci $0.05 cpm zostaly usuniete dnia 8 lutego. Decyzja odnosi sie do wszystkich PTR w sieci GAC. Zatrzymaj lub zmien swoje promowania PTP!
2) Kolejny tydzien wyplat na Worldwide Cash !
3) Dziwny mejl z No-Minimum: Dostalem dziwnego mejla z No Minimum mowiacego, ze jestem X odwiedzajacym, i ze wygralem $400, prawdopodobnie jest to jakis scam albo wirus, wiec uwazajcie na takie mejle. Po tym zajsciu zauwazylem ze strona no-minimum przestala byc wyswietlana. Teraz, jak to pisze, strona wydaje sie dzialac prawidlowo.
1) Your Referral Garden's (link replaced) changes: Upgraded PTP and $0.05 cpm PTP were removed on 8th february. The decission applies to whole GAC network. Stop or change your advertising for removed PTPs!
2) Another week of payments on Worldwide Cash !
3) Weird email from No-Minimum: I got a suspicious email from No Minimum saying that I'm some X visitor and i won $400, that's probably a scam or virus so look out for such mails. After this i noticed that no-minimum website wasn't displaying. Now, as I'm writing this, the site seems ok.
1) Zmiany w Your Referral Garden (link replaced): PTP dla premiowanych i PTP o wartosci $0.05 cpm zostaly usuniete dnia 8 lutego. Decyzja odnosi sie do wszystkich PTR w sieci GAC. Zatrzymaj lub zmien swoje promowania PTP!
2) Kolejny tydzien wyplat na Worldwide Cash !
3) Dziwny mejl z No-Minimum: Dostalem dziwnego mejla z No Minimum mowiacego, ze jestem X odwiedzajacym, i ze wygralem $400, prawdopodobnie jest to jakis scam albo wirus, wiec uwazajcie na takie mejle. Po tym zajsciu zauwazylem ze strona no-minimum przestala byc wyswietlana. Teraz, jak to pisze, strona wydaje sie dzialac prawidlowo.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Found a job?
I think i found myself a job. I'm not 100% sure if i get employed. Everything will be clear on Thursday this week. Don't worry i won't go inactive on blog or PTRs, i will try to keep it as updated as possible.
Mysle, ze znalazlem sobie prace. Nie jestem jeszcze 100% pewien czy mnie zatrudnia. Wszystko okaze sie w ten czwartek. Nie martwcie sie, ten blog nie stanie sie nieaktywny, bede staral sie go atkualizowac tak bardzo jak bedzie to mozliwe.
Mysle, ze znalazlem sobie prace. Nie jestem jeszcze 100% pewien czy mnie zatrudnia. Wszystko okaze sie w ten czwartek. Nie martwcie sie, ten blog nie stanie sie nieaktywny, bede staral sie go atkualizowac tak bardzo jak bedzie to mozliwe.
Monday, February 4, 2008
RoseBizs works again [post obsolete]
WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site doesn't exist. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.
As you probably noticed, few days ago RoseBizs (link replaced) had serious problems with their database, they were recovering data. Thanks goodness everything is alright now.
As admins state in their Admin Message:
1) For our great clickers: We'll send email ad worth 3 cents to all .
2) For our great PTP promoters: We'll raise the CPM to 1$ for one week.
3) Now our affiliate pages are temporarily down: The CPM of affiliate pages will be 40c for two days after it back to normal.
Good luck everyone =)
Jak moze dostrzegliscie, pare dni temu RoseBizs (link replaced) mial powazne problemy z baza danych, musieli oni przywacac dane. Na szczescie wszystko juz jest w porzadku.
Jak admini podaja w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow:
1) do wszystkich zostanie przeslany 3c mejl
2) premiowani dostana $1 CPM za PTP przez 1 tydzien
3) Wlasne strony z PTC uczestnikow narazie sa offline, cpm zostanie podniesione do 40c na 2 dni po tym jak znowu beda one dostepne
Powodzenia wszystkim =)
As you probably noticed, few days ago RoseBizs (link replaced) had serious problems with their database, they were recovering data. Thanks goodness everything is alright now.
As admins state in their Admin Message:
1) For our great clickers: We'll send email ad worth 3 cents to all .
2) For our great PTP promoters: We'll raise the CPM to 1$ for one week.
3) Now our affiliate pages are temporarily down: The CPM of affiliate pages will be 40c for two days after it back to normal.
Good luck everyone =)
Jak moze dostrzegliscie, pare dni temu RoseBizs (link replaced) mial powazne problemy z baza danych, musieli oni przywacac dane. Na szczescie wszystko juz jest w porzadku.
Jak admini podaja w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow:
1) do wszystkich zostanie przeslany 3c mejl
2) premiowani dostana $1 CPM za PTP przez 1 tydzien
3) Wlasne strony z PTC uczestnikow narazie sa offline, cpm zostanie podniesione do 40c na 2 dni po tym jak znowu beda one dostepne
Powodzenia wszystkim =)
SCAM Email on 411Buzz [post obsolete]
WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site doesn't exist. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.
Yesterday there was a SCAM MAIL in your inbox/e-mail from 411buzz (link replaced)! It says that you still didn't withdraw any earnings from that ptr, and to do this you need to download the software from the link in the mail! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT CLICK ANY LINK THERE! Program there is a trojan that is supposed to take control of victim's computer and to log every character typed from the keyboard, to get on your bank or e-mail accounts. If you got that email on your inbox, NOTICE PTR PROGRAM ADMIN IMMEDIATELY!
Wczoraj na 411buzz (link replaced) zostal przeslany SCAM MEJL! Mowi on o tym, ze nie wyplaciles jeszcze zadnych pieniedzy z programu i aby to zrobic skorzystaj z oprogramowania do ktorego odnosi sie link w mejlu! POD ZADNYM POZOREM NIE KLIKAJ W LINKI! Program spod linkow to trojan, ktory ma na celu przejecie kontroli nad komputerem ofiary oraz logowania wszystkich znakow z klawiatury, w celu dostania sie na twoje konta bankowe, majlowe itd. NATYCHMIAST POWIADOM ADMINA PROGRAMU PTR!
Yesterday there was a SCAM MAIL in your inbox/e-mail from 411buzz (link replaced)! It says that you still didn't withdraw any earnings from that ptr, and to do this you need to download the software from the link in the mail! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT CLICK ANY LINK THERE! Program there is a trojan that is supposed to take control of victim's computer and to log every character typed from the keyboard, to get on your bank or e-mail accounts. If you got that email on your inbox, NOTICE PTR PROGRAM ADMIN IMMEDIATELY!
Wczoraj na 411buzz (link replaced) zostal przeslany SCAM MEJL! Mowi on o tym, ze nie wyplaciles jeszcze zadnych pieniedzy z programu i aby to zrobic skorzystaj z oprogramowania do ktorego odnosi sie link w mejlu! POD ZADNYM POZOREM NIE KLIKAJ W LINKI! Program spod linkow to trojan, ktory ma na celu przejecie kontroli nad komputerem ofiary oraz logowania wszystkich znakow z klawiatury, w celu dostania sie na twoje konta bankowe, majlowe itd. NATYCHMIAST POWIADOM ADMINA PROGRAMU PTR!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Payments on Worldwide Cash
Today is the payment day on World Wide Cash ! As admin notices in his admin message, all payment requests were completed successfully.
Dzisiaj byl dzien wyplat na World Wide Cash ! Jak admin podaje w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow (Admin Message), wszystkie zgloszone wyplaty zostaly zrealizowane pomyslnie.
Dzisiaj byl dzien wyplat na World Wide Cash ! Jak admin podaje w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow (Admin Message), wszystkie zgloszone wyplaty zostaly zrealizowane pomyslnie.
Point PTC on donkeymails problem
WARNING! The number of point ads reduced over time due to point to donkey lotto ticket conversion, donkey manual surf point to views conversion and other factors.
As we know it for some time, there is over 1000 Point PTC advertisements on DonkeyMails ! It's good, isn't it? There is a lot of PTC to click and you earn points faster for your own point ADs. In reality, even though there is so many users there, points ADs get not too much clicks.
Is the site not going too well? Let's wait and see...
Jak wiadomo juz od jakiegos czasu ilosc reklam w punktowym PTC na DonkeyMails siega prawie 1000! Niby dobrze, poniewaz jest bardzo duzo reklam do wyklikania i szybciej uzbiera sie do wlasnej puntkowej reklamy. Niestety w rzeczywistosci, mimo ze jest tam az tylu uztkownikow, punktowe reklamy schodza bardzo wolno.
Czyzby strona nie miala sie najlepiej? Poczekamy, zobaczymy...
As we know it for some time, there is over 1000 Point PTC advertisements on DonkeyMails ! It's good, isn't it? There is a lot of PTC to click and you earn points faster for your own point ADs. In reality, even though there is so many users there, points ADs get not too much clicks.
Is the site not going too well? Let's wait and see...
Jak wiadomo juz od jakiegos czasu ilosc reklam w punktowym PTC na DonkeyMails siega prawie 1000! Niby dobrze, poniewaz jest bardzo duzo reklam do wyklikania i szybciej uzbiera sie do wlasnej puntkowej reklamy. Niestety w rzeczywistosci, mimo ze jest tam az tylu uztkownikow, punktowe reklamy schodza bardzo wolno.
Czyzby strona nie miala sie najlepiej? Poczekamy, zobaczymy...
Info from PTR world: Tesas Tea Mails [post obsolete]
WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: I'm not affiliated with mentioned program anymore as my account was deleted by Admin long time ago. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.
Info from PTR world:
Inasmuch as we have more effective cheat detection methods in place, we are no longer banning anyone's admittance based on their country of origin. It's not any one country in particular that harbors cheaters as any PTRE site admin can attest to. Rather, it's certain individuals who cannot conform to the rules society imposes upon itself for the betterment of all. Therefore, we'll be removing cheaters, scammers and thieves one at a time instead of inferring that any nationality is at fault because they're not.
My apologies to all who have been affected by our country banning while we devised/employed better methods for removing the trash.
Feel free to target your ads to Asia as there's a great many members there waiting to read your ad and join.
Speaking of which, there's an ongoing Referral Contest until we get to 10,000 members that any of you reading this have a very good chance of winning.
Ciekawostki ze swiata PTR:
Info from PTR world:
- Tesas Tea Mails (link replaced) open for whole world again!
- Site admin in his message to all members (Admin Message) informs, that his program will be again accepting all nationalities! Those are very good news for everyone, that wanted to join this program as their friends, but they couldn't because of banned countries.
- There must be something to it: of course this decision wasn't made just for fun. The real cause is: better cheaters detection system on the board...
Inasmuch as we have more effective cheat detection methods in place, we are no longer banning anyone's admittance based on their country of origin. It's not any one country in particular that harbors cheaters as any PTRE site admin can attest to. Rather, it's certain individuals who cannot conform to the rules society imposes upon itself for the betterment of all. Therefore, we'll be removing cheaters, scammers and thieves one at a time instead of inferring that any nationality is at fault because they're not.
My apologies to all who have been affected by our country banning while we devised/employed better methods for removing the trash.
Feel free to target your ads to Asia as there's a great many members there waiting to read your ad and join.
Speaking of which, there's an ongoing Referral Contest until we get to 10,000 members that any of you reading this have a very good chance of winning.
Ciekawostki ze swiata PTR:
- Tesas Tea Mails (link replaced) znowu otwarte na swiat!
- Admin strony w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow (Admin Message) informuje , ze jego program bedzie ponownie akceptowal wszystkie narodowosci! To bardzo dobra wiadomosc dla wszystkich, ktorzy chcieli dolaczyc do programu jak ich przyjaciele, lecz nie mogli z powodu wczesniejszej blokady niektorych panstw.
- Cos za cos: oczywiscie ta decyzja nie zostala podjeta od tak. Powodem tego jest zainstalowanie lepszego systemy do walki z oszustami...
Jako ze mamy bardziej efektywne metody do wykrywania oszustow, nie bedziemy wiecej blokowac czyjegos uczestnictwa na podstawie kraju z jakiego pochodzi. (...) bedziemy usuwac po jednym cheaterze, scamerze i zlodzieju zamiast wyciagac wnoski, ze to narodowosc jest problemem, co jest nieprawda.
Moje przeprosiny dla wszystkich, ktorzy zostali dotknieci naszym blokowaniem panstw podczas gdy staralismy sie znalezc lepsze metody na pozbywania sie odpadkow.
Swobodnie celuj swoje reklamy do Azji, poniewaz jest tam wiele wspanialych uzytkownikow czekajacych na przeczytanie i skorzystanie z twojej reklamy.
Wspominajac, wlasnie wystartowal konkurs na najlepszego polecajacego do czasu, gdy osiagniemy 10,000 uczestnikow, kazdy z was czytajac to ma bardzo duza szanse na wygrana.
Jako ze mamy bardziej efektywne metody do wykrywania oszustow, nie bedziemy wiecej blokowac czyjegos uczestnictwa na podstawie kraju z jakiego pochodzi. (...) bedziemy usuwac po jednym cheaterze, scamerze i zlodzieju zamiast wyciagac wnoski, ze to narodowosc jest problemem, co jest nieprawda.
Moje przeprosiny dla wszystkich, ktorzy zostali dotknieci naszym blokowaniem panstw podczas gdy staralismy sie znalezc lepsze metody na pozbywania sie odpadkow.
Swobodnie celuj swoje reklamy do Azji, poniewaz jest tam wiele wspanialych uzytkownikow czekajacych na przeczytanie i skorzystanie z twojej reklamy.
Wspominajac, wlasnie wystartowal konkurs na najlepszego polecajacego do czasu, gdy osiagniemy 10,000 uczestnikow, kazdy z was czytajac to ma bardzo duza szanse na wygrana.
Another day wasted for clicking =D
WARNING! Device mentioned in screenshot in this post is no longer working as I ran into a problem with factory defaults Fujitsu-Siemens' password (simply forgot it) on boot and bricked it while trying to restore backed up WM6.

Another day wasted for clicking. Even while bathing i couldn't get away from it =D
Of course it wasn't that bad! I found some time to play Ragnarok, also to create this blog - i don't know for what purpose as for now, but after some time i will put it to a good use.
Kolejny stracony dzien na klikanie. Nawet podczas kapieli nie moglem sie oderwac =D
Oczywiscie nie bylo tak zle! Znalazlo sie troche czasu na Ragnaroka, no i zalozenie tego bloga - na razie nie wiem do jakich celow ale z czasem go jakos wykorzystam.

Another day wasted for clicking. Even while bathing i couldn't get away from it =D
Of course it wasn't that bad! I found some time to play Ragnarok, also to create this blog - i don't know for what purpose as for now, but after some time i will put it to a good use.
Kolejny stracony dzien na klikanie. Nawet podczas kapieli nie moglem sie oderwac =D
Oczywiscie nie bylo tak zle! Znalazlo sie troche czasu na Ragnaroka, no i zalozenie tego bloga - na razie nie wiem do jakich celow ale z czasem go jakos wykorzystam.
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