Monday, February 4, 2008

RoseBizs works again [post obsolete]

WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site doesn't exist. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.

As you probably noticed, few days ago RoseBizs (link replaced) had serious problems with their database, they were recovering data. Thanks goodness everything is alright now.

As admins state in their Admin Message:
1) For our great clickers: We'll send email ad worth 3 cents to all .
2) For our great PTP promoters: We'll raise the CPM to 1$ for one week.
3) Now our affiliate pages are temporarily down: The CPM of affiliate pages will be 40c for two days after it back to normal.

Good luck everyone =)


Jak moze dostrzegliscie, pare dni temu RoseBizs (link replaced) mial powazne problemy z baza danych, musieli oni przywacac dane. Na szczescie wszystko juz jest w porzadku.

Jak admini podaja w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow:
1) do wszystkich zostanie przeslany 3c mejl
2) premiowani dostana $1 CPM za PTP przez 1 tydzien
3) Wlasne strony z PTC uczestnikow narazie sa offline, cpm zostanie podniesione do 40c na 2 dni po tym jak znowu beda one dostepne

Powodzenia wszystkim =)

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