Saturday, February 2, 2008

Info from PTR world: Tesas Tea Mails [post obsolete]

WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: I'm not affiliated with mentioned program anymore as my account was deleted by Admin long time ago. All links were replaced with my own GPT program.

Info from PTR world:

  • Tesas Tea Mails (link replaced) open for whole world again!
    - Site admin in his message to all members (Admin Message) informs, that his program will be again accepting all nationalities! Those are very good news for everyone, that wanted to join this program as their friends, but they couldn't because of banned countries.
    - There must be something to it: of course this decision wasn't made just for fun. The real cause is: better cheaters detection system on the board...
This really is a good thing, nobody should actually ban cheaters by banning whole range of ip addresses from whole country, disallowing honest members from getting paid or advertiser from finding group of people that would be interested with his/her advertisement.

Inasmuch as we have more effective cheat detection methods in place, we are no longer banning anyone's admittance based on their country of origin. It's not any one country in particular that harbors cheaters as any PTRE site admin can attest to. Rather, it's certain individuals who cannot conform to the rules society imposes upon itself for the betterment of all. Therefore, we'll be removing cheaters, scammers and thieves one at a time instead of inferring that any nationality is at fault because they're not.

My apologies to all who have been affected by our country banning while we devised/employed better methods for removing the trash.

Feel free to target your ads to Asia as there's a great many members there waiting to read your ad and join.

Speaking of which, there's an ongoing Referral Contest until we get to 10,000 members that any of you reading this have a very good chance of winning.


Ciekawostki ze swiata PTR:

  • Tesas Tea Mails (link replaced) znowu otwarte na swiat!
    - Admin strony w swojej wiadomosci do uzytkownikow (Admin Message) informuje , ze jego program bedzie ponownie akceptowal wszystkie narodowosci! To bardzo dobra wiadomosc dla wszystkich, ktorzy chcieli dolaczyc do programu jak ich przyjaciele, lecz nie mogli z powodu wczesniejszej blokady niektorych panstw.
    - Cos za cos: oczywiscie ta decyzja nie zostala podjeta od tak. Powodem tego jest zainstalowanie lepszego systemy do walki z oszustami...
To rzeczywiscie dobra wiadomosc, nikt tak naprawde nie powinien banowac cheaterow blokujac cala pule adresow z danego panstwa, uniemozliwiajac w ten sposob uczciwym uzytkownikom zarabiania pieniedzy lub reklamodawcom znalezienia odpowiedniej grupy osob mogacych zainteresowac sie jego reklama.

Jako ze mamy bardziej efektywne metody do wykrywania oszustow, nie bedziemy wiecej blokowac czyjegos uczestnictwa na podstawie kraju z jakiego pochodzi. (...) bedziemy usuwac po jednym cheaterze, scamerze i zlodzieju zamiast wyciagac wnoski, ze to narodowosc jest problemem, co jest nieprawda.

Moje przeprosiny dla wszystkich, ktorzy zostali dotknieci naszym blokowaniem panstw podczas gdy staralismy sie znalezc lepsze metody na pozbywania sie odpadkow.

Swobodnie celuj swoje reklamy do Azji, poniewaz jest tam wiele wspanialych uzytkownikow czekajacych na przeczytanie i skorzystanie z twojej reklamy.

Wspominajac, wlasnie wystartowal konkurs na najlepszego polecajacego do czasu, gdy osiagniemy 10,000 uczestnikow, kazdy z was czytajac to ma bardzo duza szanse na wygrana.

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