WARNING! This post is marked as obsolete. Reason: Mentioned site in post title doesn't exist. Not working links were replaced with my own GPT program.
1) Your Referral Garden's (link replaced) changes: Upgraded PTP and $0.05 cpm PTP were removed on 8th february. The decission applies to whole GAC network. Stop or change your advertising for removed PTPs!
2) Another week of payments on Worldwide Cash !
3) Weird email from No-Minimum: I got a suspicious email from No Minimum saying that I'm some X visitor and i won $400, that's probably a scam or virus so look out for such mails. After this i noticed that no-minimum website wasn't displaying. Now, as I'm writing this, the site seems ok.
1) Zmiany w Your Referral Garden (link replaced): PTP dla premiowanych i PTP o wartosci $0.05 cpm zostaly usuniete dnia 8 lutego. Decyzja odnosi sie do wszystkich PTR w sieci GAC. Zatrzymaj lub zmien swoje promowania PTP!
2) Kolejny tydzien wyplat na Worldwide Cash !
3) Dziwny mejl z No-Minimum: Dostalem dziwnego mejla z No Minimum mowiacego, ze jestem X odwiedzajacym, i ze wygralem $400, prawdopodobnie jest to jakis scam albo wirus, wiec uwazajcie na takie mejle. Po tym zajsciu zauwazylem ze strona no-minimum przestala byc wyswietlana. Teraz, jak to pisze, strona wydaje sie dzialac prawidlowo.
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